

Prof. Dominique Van Der Straeten
Folate biofortification of crop plants
University of Ghent, Belgium
Prof. Herve Vanderschuren
Hidden Hunger: Seeking solutions with Staple Crops
University of Liege, Belgium
Prof. Dirk Bosch
Plants as a platform to produce therapeutic glycoprotein
Wageningen UR, The Netherlands
Prof. Judith Rollinger
Multipotent Natural Leads against Respiratory Tract Infections
Univerity of Vienna, Austria
Dr. Annette Pronk
A mass balance approach to quantify interception of fine dust (PM10) by trees.
Wageningen UR, The Netherlands
Dr. Jean-Paul Schwitzguebel
Phytoremediation of contaminated soils: facts and challenges
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Dr. Karin Metzlaff
What and how can plant science contribute to society? How can you get involved?
Executive Director
the European Plant Science Organisation

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